Tag Archive | Lapis Lazuli

Therapeutic Benefits Of Wearing Lapis Lazuli Gemstone

Lapis Lazuli gemstone synchronizes your mind and heart as it kilns powerful bonds between them. The energy emitted by Lapis Lazuli, can support you to experience power and energy you possess within.lapis-lazuli-gemstone This power is huge when energies of your heart and mind come together – in other words, the moment your mental and emotional bodies are working in accord. Lapis recovers the understanding, communication, and connection between your mind and heart. The moment mind is attuned to your emotions; it becomes wealthier, much bountiful and fruitful. When feelings are brightened by the emotions, minds are better understood. A complex connection between mind and heart opens numerous possibilities. It extends your potential and horizons.

The moment you wear Lapis Lazuli around neck, it systematically and slowly identifies all prominent power points in body. These points contain your acupuncture points, chakras, and lesser degree your energy meridians. The Lapis supports these points to capture equilibrium factors with excess magical energy are drained and scarce points are filled by Lapis energy till they can get their own power. This endorses healing of physical body and its energy drifts at fundamental level.

Lapis Lazuli gemstone’s energy royal blue color can impact people very deeply. It is because color touches optic nerve in rare way. Your optic nerve takes up impressions of what you see through your physical eyes also what you get to see in your inner visions and dreams.

Lapis Lazuli – Communication Improving Gemstone

Lapis Lazuli is one of the 4 healing stones found in ancient times; others are Carnelian, Coral, and Turquoise. It has been said the Lapis gemstone will support one to get access to the Akashic Records so that one can utilize the information as a good help to one’s personal journey.lapis-lazuli-gemstone

Lapis Lazuli gemstone has long been connected with spirituality and royalty and utilized as a help to one’s internal journey. Lapis Lazuli is known to activate the throat chakra and has frequently been utilized to aid a high much advanced type of communication, boosting one to always speak and discern the truth. It is an amazing gemstone for public speaking and for those people who are connected to Arts, specifically musicians and singers.

It is a gemstone that is called to activate the psychic centers at the 3rd eye, permitting the development of increased at the 3rd eye, permitting the development of increased communication and intuition with ‘spirit guides.’ Pyrite inclusions help in acting upon one’s biggest visions and ideals. Calcite presences help in cleaning the energy systems of body to permit high spiritual energies to flow.

Methods To Take Care Of Lapis Lazuli Gemstone

Unlike many other gemstones, the Lapis Lazuli is rock form of gemstone, which consists of various mineral in it. The blue shade of this gemstone basically arises from the Lazurite, the main component of this gemstone.


Lapis Lazuli gemstone can be worn on daily basis by an individual to get its benefits. However, it is very necessary to take a proper care of this stone to maintain its energy.

–        Avoid direct contact of any form of chemicals or acids to this stone also protect it from direct heat or socking or boiling in hot water.

–        The hardness of this gemstone is very low. Hence, avoid wearing this gemstone while doing any hard work.

–        One can use warm water along with any mild soap and any soft brush to clean the Lapis Lazuli gemstone.

–        Avoid socking this stone in water for longer time as it can leads the calcite to get dissolved in water and can make the stone much weaker.

–        Do not store this gemstone with any other gemstone like Zultanite or Tanzanite.

One can also re-polish the stone if it loses its lustre or shine. Just a little care can help in maintaining the energy and beauty of this gemstone.

Purpose Of Using Lapis Lazuli Gemstone

Lapis Lazuli is one of the most popular and powerful gemstones. This gemstone has been getting used since ages. It is considered a symbol of truth and wisdom. The colour of the gemstone represents the honour, royalty, power, vision and spirit.


This gemstone is considered as the best stone for the journalists, executives as well as the psychologists, as it helps in enhancing the wisdom and proper judgement in their day to day life. It also enhances the intellectual analysis ability of an historian or the archaeologists, helps in creating new and innovative ideas in the mind of an inventor or writers and also helps lawyers in their profession.

This gemstone can be considered as a perfect gemstone for enhancing the intellectual ability of an individual. It also acts as a stimulator and boosts the desire for knowledge, understanding truth in an individual and helps them in the process of learning. It is one of the best gemstones that can enhance the memory power. It is also considered as a stone for honesty and enhances the communications skill of an individual. It can also be used as an element to boost personal relationship and to bring harmony in it. Lapis Lazuli gemstone is the most recommended gemstone for getting fame in any field. It also helps an individual to attract success and recognition in their life.

Cure Sleeping Disorder With Jade & Lapis Lazuli

In today’s high stressful life many of us suffers from insomnia or sleeping disorder at the end of the day, when our body and mind both requires complete rest. There are number of treatments that are available to cure this problem. However, treating these problems with the help of crystal is very old and natural method. Gemstones not only bring happiness, propriety and good luck in our life, but it is also helpful in curing many health issues. Crystals like Jade & Lapis Lazuli is the most popular one that helps an individual to get rid of sleeping disorder or insomnia.

  • Jade:

This gemstone has been getting used for the purpose of mental and physical relaxation, due to its soothing effect. It carries a sense or vibration of well being along with it for the entire body, which is very necessary to deal with any kind of health issues. Wearing this gemstone in any form of jewelry helps in getting a nice sleep by promoting relaxation.

  • Lapis Lazuli:


This crystal is very good for providing mental peace and clarity. It also helps an individual to maintain his focus on different things. Wearing this gemstone in a form of ring or pendant helps your mind to get relaxed and get a peaceful and sound sleep.

The Golden History of Lapis Lazuli Gemstone

Lapis Lazuli is famous from over 1000s of years and dates back long way in oldest history to 3000 BC and during the time of Pharaohs. Lapis Lazuli known to have been extremely valued by the old Egyptians as lovely Egyptian used this semi-precious stone’s pieces to made jewelry. From tomb of Egyptian King Tutankhamun, and Pharaoh this Lapis Lazuli gemstone has been discovered.


According to Bible, one of the gemstone in the breastplate of High Priest in Jerusalem was Lapis. On one slab of Lapis Lazuli part of Book of Dead was written and it was a stone signifying spirituality and royalty. Classic texts have recorded the facts that people of those old times placed good value of these amazing blue gemstones. They might have considered them to be sacred gemstones, and those who lived at that time felt that it made feelings of harmony and peace and carried them the gift of enlightenment and wisdom.