Archive | December 2012

Tiger Eye Gemstone – Stone Of Vitality And Practicality

Tiger Eye gemstone is actually a solar stone of physical action, practicality, and vitality. This stone inspires the root chakra connected to Mother Earth. Tiger Eye gemstone gives a sense of being logical, grounded, and calm. It is also a gemstone of mental clarity. The stone triggers the sharpening logic, intellect. Why-Should-You-Use-Tiger-Eye-GemstoneTiger Eye gemstone rejuvenates the body to capture tasks and gives one the power to come out of discouragement and fatigue. Gemstone is member of quartz family, and a silicon dioxide mineral. It has beautiful bands of brown and golden ray that unveil chatoyancy, an optical reflectance effect reasoned by the fibrous structure of gemstone that is similar to form of ‘oeil de chat,’ cat’s eye.

Doing meditation with this gemstone can support one to move in a higher consciousness level, while lasting grounded. Tiger Eye gemstone brings balance and permits one to get the harmonies center between all forms of polarities. It permits one to see both sides of disagreement. Tiger Eye gemstone helps to physical vitality and energy, and supports to enable cell metabolism and respiration. Gemstone also adds power to endocrine system and blood fortifier system. It brings biochemistry in balance.

Unakite Gemstone – Stone Of Success

Unakite gemstone is granite and is made by the mixture of quartz, green epidote, and pink feldspar. It is very hard and compact gemstone that makes it a gemstone suitable for jewelry.  Unakite gemstone was named after Unaka Mountains, which are located on U.S.A southeastern part. It was first explored near these mountains though the name. The presence of gemstone is not only America other than it is now highly mined in South Africa, China, and Brazil.


Unakite gemstone is an olive green color opaque form and is also accessible in green shades. The particular gravity of stone is 2.6-2.7. 6-7 is hardness of gemstone on Mohs scale and it is ideal for any jewellery design. This gemstone’s hardness gives it an edge over other gemstone making it a famous stone. Unakite gemstone is available in ideal quality and it is utilized in lapidary performs like shares, carvings, and eggs.

Rose Quartz – Best Christmas Gift Option

Rose Quartz Gemstone generally referred to as ‘love stone’. It is one of the gemstones of quartz family. When stumbled, range of Rose quartz starts from very soft pink to deep pink Rose quartz. In its genuine form, it occurs to sparkle and can be somewhere translucent when you hold it in sunlight. Very frequently striations or veins of lighter Rose quartz occur in white color. Rose quartz gemstone will increase your meditation experience, sooth you from inside. If you are often getting bad dreams or thoughts while sleeping then keep this stone under your pillow, it will assist in comforting your thoughts. A small piece of Rose Quartz gemstone placed candidly on heart smoothly draws out emotional hurt, and allows healing.rose-quartz2

Regularly clean and recharge your gemstone, especially when you are working and meditating with the stone. Like other gemstones, Rose quartz gemstone also holds many healing properties such as self-love, love, raises self-confidence, decreases tensions and increases inner-peace. The gemstone helps you in allying your inner-self with high self and it offers emotional healing. It is a best Christmas gift option to have; in case you are thinking to gift something special to your loved or dear one then you can go for Rose quartz gemstone.

On this happy and joyful day, we LuckyMaya wish you ‘Merry Christmas.’

Heal Anxiety With Rose Quartz Gemstone

Rose quartz gemstone holds calming energy, which offers a feeling of relaxation from fears and worries. It is an ideal stone for healing anxiety because it makes you feel cared and nurtured for. Having Rose quarts gemstone is like being held in earth mother’s arms. Rose quartz gemstone is an effective stone to wear or carry as healing stone jewelry. It is a best heart chakra healing crystal. Keeping piece of Rose quarts stone under pillow can support to alleviate insomnia or nightmares. Give Rose quartz gemstone to others as a way of developing mutual respect and friendship.rose-quartz2

In gemstone and crystal healing therapy, locate a piece of Rose quartz on heart chakra, fold hand on it, and imagine your body being wrapped by pink glow. It energizes and balances heart chakra, sometimes dismissing anxiety in a point of some minutes. This stone can be used in combination with other various stones.

Keep Quartz Crystal Tree For Positive Environment At Home

Quartz crystal tree produces new positive energy and life but before buying quartz crystal tree make sure you buy genuine quartz crystal tree. This tree triggers new energy and repeats new energy, money luck, and new life.Screen Shot 2012-12-24 at 4.58.41 PM

If you get quartz crystal tree in moyogi shape then it grows in smooth rounded direction, creating a harmonious ‘Man Luck’ relation in environment because tree develops in an even smooth shape. It portrays luck, which is always developing, growing, and as branches spread out and upwards it produces the environment in Fenu Shui. Placing quartz crystal tree in bedroom, or near main door or in protruding place in family room is much beneficiary.

Influence Of Gems On Our Lives

Some of us do understand how electromagnetism, which shifts from gems to our body by touching our skin, can musically recover our psychological, spiritual, and physical health. In endless quest to recover the quality of our lives, numbers of us do not stop to observe our karmic patterns, certainly, majority of us are reluctant to take note of boring events and static characteristics of lives. Our karma is imitated in our personality, likes, dislikes, interests, opportunities, and environment. It entices negative or positive circumstances in our lives through pure force of charisma – a charisma we ourselves have made through a gradual accumulation of intrinsic vibrations of way we usually respond to events and circumstances.h

No thorough scientific explanations have been served, as long in this age, of how valuable gems are capable to re-orient and rearrange our bad karmic patterns in good patterns that can heal our evils and recover our lives. As the research of gem therapy includes various fields of study not generally grouped collectively, a complete scientific understanding of healing capability of gems might well need a usually huge scope of investigation, vacillating from macrocosms astrophysics to microcosm of nuclear structure.

Green Jade Jewellery – Charming Gift For Your Loved One

Jade gemstone is a form of stone of new symbolic energy and in myths, which surround it. With this stone’s beauty and huge ranging expressiveness, Jade gemstone has held exclusive attraction for people for 1000s of years. Jade gemstone with inconspicuous yet rather greasy luster that comes in number of nuances of green however also in shades of yellow, orange, black, and grey that comes in subtle violet tones, has been well known to people for over 7000 years. ma80_1In the early history of culture of Chinese empire, this gemstone has always has very exclusive prominence, unevenly comparable with that of valuable diamonds and metals in west. Jade gemstone is now called as a sign of good, precious, and beautiful.

Green Jade gemstone is also known as ‘Yu’ in China, it is opposing from one another in their chemical arrangement and colors. Nephrite ranges majorly from mid dark green-green however it can also be reddish, yellowish, or white. The scarce, Jadeilte shows hues that contain green, however also pink or white, and blacks, violets, browns, and reds. In both minerals, the way color is circulated differs a good deal. Just in perfect Jade gemstone color is calmly distributed. Both Jadeite and nephrite frequently have veins flowing by them, hence, these might not always be about as faults.  On contrary, few of these patterns are known specifically worthy. Jadeite is scarce other than nephrite and therefore it is very much precious. Nephrite units have been found in Russia, New Zealand, and China.

Properties Of Black Onyx Gemstone

Black Onyx gemstone is a gem, which strengthens and supports for being. Its energies aim the core restoring balance in one’s foundation of being. The constancy of this gemstone permits one to ‘deal’ with all types of life’s situations. It rebuilds or builds personal powers, confidence, and self-esteem. Black gemstone is called as gemstone to support to astounded addiction because of this. One experiences such a powerful strength and stability within that the necessity to escape by other means is no long

Black Onyx gemstone also extends its energies by chakras of throat and midsection. It preserves the balance enabling an even strong awareness of availability of one’s being. An energetic harmony is made by chakras that get whatever inputs required vibrations, colors, and frequencies to manage the balance.

Black Onyx gemstone’s effects translate over to all elements of one’s being. The mind has direction; the emotional are steady and one feels in alignment not just with one’s self however with world and yonder. Black Onyx stone is great gemstone for those people who discover or work with huge dimensions and frequencies etc. as it offers ideal counter balance.

Therapeutic Benefits Of Wearing Lapis Lazuli Gemstone

Lapis Lazuli gemstone synchronizes your mind and heart as it kilns powerful bonds between them. The energy emitted by Lapis Lazuli, can support you to experience power and energy you possess within.lapis-lazuli-gemstone This power is huge when energies of your heart and mind come together – in other words, the moment your mental and emotional bodies are working in accord. Lapis recovers the understanding, communication, and connection between your mind and heart. The moment mind is attuned to your emotions; it becomes wealthier, much bountiful and fruitful. When feelings are brightened by the emotions, minds are better understood. A complex connection between mind and heart opens numerous possibilities. It extends your potential and horizons.

The moment you wear Lapis Lazuli around neck, it systematically and slowly identifies all prominent power points in body. These points contain your acupuncture points, chakras, and lesser degree your energy meridians. The Lapis supports these points to capture equilibrium factors with excess magical energy are drained and scarce points are filled by Lapis energy till they can get their own power. This endorses healing of physical body and its energy drifts at fundamental level.

Lapis Lazuli gemstone’s energy royal blue color can impact people very deeply. It is because color touches optic nerve in rare way. Your optic nerve takes up impressions of what you see through your physical eyes also what you get to see in your inner visions and dreams.

Astrological Properties Of Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is one of the very feminine gemstone we have. Its astrological sign is Moon, Neptune, Mars, and Venus.rose-quartz2

Self-Love –

Rose Quartz is a gemstone for heart and has very gentle energy, sweet nourishing us on that deep inner level. The unrestricted love of archetypical mother, loving is expressed in its touch and establishes our own capability to love ourselves as who are without ruling.

Venus adds sense of self-appreciation and value to self-love that is both the basis of our capability to love others. Love is state of awareness that begins inside us and when it is capture all out there is loved also. It excavates our awareness for cohesion of spirit we are all part of.

We all should have Rose Quartz in our life. We have huge hunk of it with my orchid flower and it makes amazing a lovely still life. And taking it along with you to bed, having it below your pillow may be a nice idea too.

Also in bad times of grieving the loss of dear one or encounters with your health, Rose quartz gemstone can be your curative priestess and including her healing touch to process, supporting you to keep your confidence. She is healthful your heart, body, and soul with her smooth touch, offering you hope and persistence.

Times of Grief and Healing:
Also in hard times of grieving the loss of a loved one or challenges with your health, Rose Quartz can be your healing priestess and adding her healing touch (Neptune) to your process, helping you to keep your faith. She is healthful your body, heart and soul with her gentle touch; giving you hope and perseverance.