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Real Pearl: The Gemstone for Moon

Pearl (moti)  is worn to get the auspicious results of Moon. Pearl is considered cold and soft. In Sanskrit, it is called as Mukta and Indurakt. In Urdu, Hindi and Marathi, it is called Moti. The pearl extracted from the oceans is long, flat, or sometimes shapeless

Moon is the lord of Cancer sign; so Astrologers advice to wear, but it is always good to wear a Real Pearl for anyone no matter what their sign is. Pearl is the gemstone of Moon. This stone represents love and happiness of mother, heart, and good for those staying away from home. If you want to get the support for  export and import, milk products, business and love, it is beneficial to wear Pearl. 

On a Real time Pearl is also favorable for those who are short-tempered. Its positive influence may reduce their anger and gives peace of mind. It also increases the concentration powers of the person.

It is also said that If the person uses the ash of pearl, he gets physical strength. This ash of pearl also gives relief and peace of mind. It helps to reduce eye diseases, blood pressure, cough, heart problems and gastric problems. It can also be used to cure the stone problem of stomach, please consult proper professionals before using for any kind of medical purposes.

Real Pearl / Original Pearl is available at Luckymaya

Black Onyx Gemstone Egg

Black Onyx gemstone Egg

Human Beings is almost always under the influence of planetary movements.

His/Her behavioral propensity is the result of their negative or positive movement. However, nature too has offered some remedies to counter the negative effect of planetary movements on man’s behavior.

One such gem is the black onyx. It has been bestowed by nature inexplicable power to counter negative energy and revitalize sagging positive energy to the advantage of the individual. It has that extra something to rebuild confidence, courage, and drooping morale to move ahead in dire situations.

Black-Onyx-FactsMan often flinches in difficult situations, a sense of defeat overpowers him, this is self defeating and often leads to emotional wreck. Black Onyx has the power to consolidate the psychic energy to stand up to such situations with singular dedication. The gem is worth its value in real terms. If you are one of them under duress take home Black onyx and see the difference it makes!

‘Yell Luck’ with Yellow quartz gemstone

‘Yell Luck’ with Yellow quartz gemstone

As the name suggests the gem is yellow in color. Interestingly the sun, the life line on earth appears, the same way most of the day till it sets. Saffron too has the same color. Saffron is a curative and protective herb .Wearing this gem generates a positive effect on the wearer.

Luck rides high on the wearer.

Yellow is soothing to the eye, it offers inexplicable joy to the beholder. It is a symbol of joy and cheerfulness; the gem raises the wearer from gloominess and indolence. In demanding situations when a person is laid down with despair it offers a vent to reduce agitation and nervousness.  Often owing to depression persons feel exhausted and unable to get over this condition. No amount of medication seems to reduce the condition. In such situations the gem takes care giving a fillip to the depressed mind to raise the person to higher mental state thus reducing anxiety.

With such innate natural traits it goes without saying it is worth sporting one to reinforce one’s persona. Quite a few have benefited by the gem’s power.Yellow-Quartz-lucky-maya

Logic of Tiger stone Gemstone

DSC_0751Logic of Tiger stone Gemstone

It is said dame luck is yours if you try. But try as much sometimes one would find that fortune is not coming one’s way

Tiger eye gem stone has an uncanny power to lead you towards your fortune by its inherent energy. The wearer is powered to do result-oriented tasks without his own knowledge! The reason is not far to seek. The stone propels the wearer to higher level of understanding enabling him to do the right task in an unconscious state of mind.

But while being in that state he will still be firmly attached to the mundane world. Another interesting feature of the gem is its ability to revitalize the body and mind to stand up to vicissitudes that occur in the body and mind.  This aside the gem betters the logic sense which is very essential in day to day dealings. Having said this one should not lose sight of its spiritual and meditative powers.

Its various qualities help in both these aspects. Check it ou, adorn it see the difference it makes in your life.

Influence Of Gems On Our Lives

Some of us do understand how electromagnetism, which shifts from gems to our body by touching our skin, can musically recover our psychological, spiritual, and physical health. In endless quest to recover the quality of our lives, numbers of us do not stop to observe our karmic patterns, certainly, majority of us are reluctant to take note of boring events and static characteristics of lives. Our karma is imitated in our personality, likes, dislikes, interests, opportunities, and environment. It entices negative or positive circumstances in our lives through pure force of charisma – a charisma we ourselves have made through a gradual accumulation of intrinsic vibrations of way we usually respond to events and circumstances.h

No thorough scientific explanations have been served, as long in this age, of how valuable gems are capable to re-orient and rearrange our bad karmic patterns in good patterns that can heal our evils and recover our lives. As the research of gem therapy includes various fields of study not generally grouped collectively, a complete scientific understanding of healing capability of gems might well need a usually huge scope of investigation, vacillating from macrocosms astrophysics to microcosm of nuclear structure.

Different Ways To Use Rose Quartz Gemstone

Today we are going to discuss about how you can bring love in your life with the help of love gemstone Rose quartz. So following are some of the methods that you can practice.

A circle of Rose quartz gemstone can attract love. When you have this stone ball, love is known to gather around it.


Psychic Rose quartz stone wand is perfect to use when you wish to concentrate on energy and intension on your soul mate. Psychic stone wands are extremely impactful tools, which are usually used in healing and majorly, a psychic stone wand can remove heart chakra.

Setting Rose quartz gemstone under below on which you sleep, you may get love in your life. Actually, there may be even few examples that psychic stone can give you clues on who is your soul mate through your dreams.

In case you like to attempt one of numerous psychic love rituals then use rose quartz heart, it will make huge difference.

Making a use of Rose quartz has psychic impacts like it brings fertility or grows love.

The most recommended way to entice love utilizing psychic powers of this stone is to surely wear them. The ideal way through which you can get lot of benefits of this stone is, keep it always with you and carry it everywhere you go.

What Is Gemology?

Gems have the authority to bring light in one’s life. With the support of right gems, an individual can get out of risk and also keep in protective for long time. Beautiful gemstones can really eliminate bad dominance, which planets may have on your life. With Gemology, you learn the dominance of gems. How certain gems can carry good luck to you in immediate span of time and how you can take the right gem for you, are all mentioned in gemology with orders on precise date, hour and time of wearing the gems.natural-gemstones

In astrology, gems have very essential role to play. Each gem is different and has link with specific planet, which can regulate planet’s dominance. For instance, topaz is connected to moon. It represents happiness, creativity, and clarity. Blue sapphire is connected to Saturn and known to solve any serious problem in very few days after it is worn.

Mantra and Gems have always been connected to each other. Each gem, when being worn, requires you to chant mantra to bless the gemstone. Even today, apart from effectiveness of gems, they also own great outward show. You can purchase gems just because of its pure beauty. However, each gem doesn’t match each personality.

Happy Birthday LuckyMaya!

We all know today is a very special day because its 12.12.12. But there is one more reason, which has made it special. Today is the birthday of LuckyMaya. The way today is a birthday of many celebrities, who have earned lot of success in their field such as Rajnikanth, Yuvraj Singh, same way today LuckyMaya is also celebrating its birthday. We pledge to share lot more genuine knowledge about gemstone world to our readers the way it is doing from so long time.

LM birthday

How To Repair Black Gemstone?

Black gemstone is a very unique gemstone of sculpture, jewelry. However, this gemstone is very much prone to get harmed in case it is incorrectly used or laid. For instance, utensils, heat or also overuse might impact in tear or scratch on Black gemstone. To repair Black gemstone, you just have to follow some below polishing and cleaning tips.benefits-of-black-onyx

Firstly, you must put a wet towel on damaged part of Black gemstone, and then put a dab of countertop polish or rubbing composite on it. The compound must be bit rough in touch, for sake that it works as a liquid sander.

Then you must hire the buffing pad to polish gemstone with compound. Never take much pressure; the compound will work well for you. Polish the gemstone for around thirty seconds before wiping compound away and checking the harmed part for progress. In case scratch is gone, then time to recover. In case not, repeat the whole process as important. Remember that chips will not tone out. Then you should wash the part with clean water and dry it by air. Utilize towel or sponge to spread the wax paste on polished part to reseal it. Put it alone for twelve hours to set. Always take care of your gemstone, always polish it and maintain it for short duration.

What Makes Gemstones Powerful Healing Tools?

Gemstones with strong energies and profound resonance with human body are the ideal energy medicine tools. Just like other types of energy medicines, gemstone energy medicines utilize the body’s characteristic healing force to grow and diagnose in various ways. Each form of gemstone embodies a new energy, which can concentrate and amplify this healing power and generate particular therapeutic impacts.Chakra Gemstones Ch-Gems

Today, these strong tools for altering health are being embraced by huge number of people and have excited interest of medical and physician researchers. Gemstone therapies perform – both as primary treatments and as pairs to other healing modalities. Emotional maladies, acute, mental complaints, and chronic disorders of all forms have replied to gemstone energy medicine in exciting and unprecedented ways.

How therapeutic gemstones achieve all this?  Researchers tell us that all matter is energy in physical form. Gemstones are definitely no exception. Made around eons, frequently at extreme pressure, the Earth’s gemstones exemplify intense focus of energy. Today people use the physical and energetic properties of gemstones in numbers of technology – for instance, they utilize gemstones in lasers to perform subtle surgeries and in computers to push information around the world. Similarly, we can utilize certain gemstone to concentrate and amplify the body’s inborn energies to elevate our health.