Tag Archive | Yellow Quartz Crystal

‘Yell Luck’ with Yellow quartz gemstone

‘Yell Luck’ with Yellow quartz gemstone

As the name suggests the gem is yellow in color. Interestingly the sun, the life line on earth appears, the same way most of the day till it sets. Saffron too has the same color. Saffron is a curative and protective herb .Wearing this gem generates a positive effect on the wearer.

Luck rides high on the wearer.

Yellow is soothing to the eye, it offers inexplicable joy to the beholder. It is a symbol of joy and cheerfulness; the gem raises the wearer from gloominess and indolence. In demanding situations when a person is laid down with despair it offers a vent to reduce agitation and nervousness.  Often owing to depression persons feel exhausted and unable to get over this condition. No amount of medication seems to reduce the condition. In such situations the gem takes care giving a fillip to the depressed mind to raise the person to higher mental state thus reducing anxiety.

With such innate natural traits it goes without saying it is worth sporting one to reinforce one’s persona. Quite a few have benefited by the gem’s power.Yellow-Quartz-lucky-maya

Yellow Quartz Gemstone – Beautiful Positive Gemstone

Yellow Quartz gemstone is a glowing and transparent material. It builds when bit amount of impurities cause quartz to crystallize with yellow color. Quartz are available in spectrum of yellow colors, series start from bright lemon yellow stone, soft pastel yellow, yellow brown and many more. Yellow quartz gemstone is mostly utilized to create tumbled stones, cabochons, beads, and various shapes. They are utilized in bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and in many other jewelry items.

Yellow Crystal Quartz

Following are benefits the Yellow Quartz beings –

  • Makes mind clear while taking decision
  • Relieve from ‘panic, exhaustion, nervousness, and burnout’
  • Good concentration skills and sharp memory
  • Secures from depression and lethargy in dull weather

The color signifies warmth, wisdom, and creative happiness. These provinces make an amazing desk ornament for creative people like writer or painter as they need lot of concentration, and fresh outlook while working.