Tag Archive | Healing Gemstones

Healing Crystals And Gemstones For Children

Crystals and gemstone are prime element of natural world and play a vital role in emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. Kids have a profound and innate connection to healing energies and attributes of crystals and stones so much so that they naturally settle towards these at very young age. Yet so many kids are not boosted to explore the healing energies of these natural properties.


Jade Gemstone – It is a soother of emotions. Children who are emotionally sensitive frequently need such supportive system to confirm their feelings don’t overpower them. Jade gemstone increases confidence, self-reliance, and self-assurance. Jade gemstone is also very inspiring in supporting kids accomplish their aims in life.

Lapis Lazuli – It is an amazing stabilizer for kids who show psychic gifts early in life. The deep blue color rouses expansion of consciousness in very helpful way, endorsing cleansing and simplifying of spiritual insight. Lapis Lazuli gemstone imparts self-acceptance of one’s given gifts and boosts openness of one’s mystical awareness.

Rose Quartz – It is a strong healing crystal for kids because it exhibits smooth positive vibrations. Rose Quartz gemstone is a nice choice for those kids who have lot of aggressive tendencies and hurt feelings.

Sunstone – This gemstone supports kids who are possessive and overprotective.

Tiger Eye – It is a grounding gemstone. Many times kids get carried away and get lost in their dreams. Tiger eye supports to pull them back. This gemstone teaches to listen their intuition while offering self-esteem.

Chrysocolla Gemstone – Heart Healer Gemstone

Chrysocolla gemstone is an amazing mixture of colors. The gemstone itself can range from green shade to blue shade similar to turquoise. Mostly it will be mixed with other stones like turquoise and malachite, making a delightfully shaded mixture of greens and blues, which mix and swirls to form 1 of the most breath taking gemstones on market.Chrysocolla-Gemstone

Has somebody broken your heart and left you incapable to even thing about probably being able to love somebody else? They Chrysocolla gemstone supports to heal your broken heart and open up the communication lines so healing can start on both the sides. Being capable to keep your heart open to love is possibly the most essential thing we can do in our lives. It supports to achieve us on so many levels and putting a securing wall around your heart flasks up the healing energies, which flow from heart and can cause all kinds of mental and health concerns in case we do not release the energy.

If anxiety, guilt or fears are holding you down or keeping you away from becoming what you can be in your life, try keeping more or one Chrysocolla gemstones around. They can wash those bad energies away and leave your inner harmony and acceptance, also in case everything around you is falling separately.

What Makes Gemstones Powerful Healing Tools?

Gemstones with strong energies and profound resonance with human body are the ideal energy medicine tools. Just like other types of energy medicines, gemstone energy medicines utilize the body’s characteristic healing force to grow and diagnose in various ways. Each form of gemstone embodies a new energy, which can concentrate and amplify this healing power and generate particular therapeutic impacts.Chakra Gemstones Ch-Gems

Today, these strong tools for altering health are being embraced by huge number of people and have excited interest of medical and physician researchers. Gemstone therapies perform – both as primary treatments and as pairs to other healing modalities. Emotional maladies, acute, mental complaints, and chronic disorders of all forms have replied to gemstone energy medicine in exciting and unprecedented ways.

How therapeutic gemstones achieve all this?  Researchers tell us that all matter is energy in physical form. Gemstones are definitely no exception. Made around eons, frequently at extreme pressure, the Earth’s gemstones exemplify intense focus of energy. Today people use the physical and energetic properties of gemstones in numbers of technology – for instance, they utilize gemstones in lasers to perform subtle surgeries and in computers to push information around the world. Similarly, we can utilize certain gemstone to concentrate and amplify the body’s inborn energies to elevate our health.

Various Properties Of Green Aventurine Gemstone


The Aventurine gemstone is one of the luckiest stones that bring money and good luck along with it. In Greece, during wartime many warriors wore this stone as an element that helps in enhancing optimism and courage in them.


Properties of Green Aventurine:

–        This stone is considered as a gentle stone that carries calmness and balanced energy in it.

–        It has incredible encouraging property that can be used by any individual belonging to creative field.

–        It can also be used to enhance the confidence, patience and calmness in an individual during difficult phase.

–        This stone is the best to gain prosperity and success in career as well as in life.

Healing Ability of Green Aventurine:

This gemstone is also referred as Indian Jade and is getting used as a healing element since ages.

–        This stone improves the functioning of circulatory system and provides strength to the muscles tissues and blood.

–        It also heals headaches or many general physical problems.

–        This gemstone is also being getting used for treating sleeping disorder.

–        It also carries properties that cure allergies, acne, dandruff, flaking skin or hair loss.

–        It is a multi-purpose stone that can cure many disorders related to mind, body and soul.

Individual born under zodiac sign Cancer, Sagittarius and Taurus can use it as their birth stone.

Healing Qualities Of Aventurine Gemstone

Aventurine is a gemstone that is available in various shades from blue, peach, green, white, red and brown. This gemstone is considered as a crystal that brings good luck and heals many of the general health problems. Due to its attributes, it is also referred as Lucky stone.Healing-Qualities-Green-Aventurine

  • Healing Attributes of Aventurine gemstone:

This gemstone is considered as the crystal that helps in curing many health related problems. It carries a healing and calming touch along with it. It helps an individual to gain peace of mind that helps in treating stress or tension in an individual. It also has been used for providing relief from any kind of pain in the body of the wearer. Aventurine also improves the problem of near sightedness. Individual suffering from health disorders such as adrenal problems, cardiovascular disorder, lung problem, sinuses, problem in nervous system can get a relief to a large extent after wearing this gemstone on their dominant hand. This gemstone is also very good for curing skin related problems such as allergies, acnes, skin irritation etc. It also cures hair problems such as hair loss, dandruff, early greying of hair. In just one sentence, Aventurine is helpful in curing most of the health issues.

Healing Properties Of Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is one of its kinds of gemstone that is being used for healing heart breaks. Due to this quality of this crystal it is also referred as Love stone by many crystal experts. It easily gets connected with the heart chakra of an individual and improves the balance of the chakras. It not only helps an individual to improve the love between two people but it also helps an individual to enhance love for himself by energies the heart and seize everything that comes to him with unconditional and pure love.

Other than all, this crystal also helps to cure any other kind of heart problems. Rose Quartz crystal also has properties to provide relief from high blood pressure and any kind of stress or tensions. The person who wears this gemstone, get a light heart approach towards the life that helps him to live the life to the fullest. This magical gemstone is very much efficient in curing other health issues other than heart and love related problems such as headaches, infertility, kidney problems, sinus, circulatory system, throat infection, any kind of pain and skin disorders like wrinkles, burn, rashes etc. Many of the crystal healers also believe that this gemstone is beneficial for enhancing and supporting brain functions.

Physical Healing Through Rose Quartz

  • What is Rose Quartz gemstone?

For centuries, Rose Quartz is termed as a gemstone for love that helps in healing broken heart and boost self-confidence of an individual. However, it also has some elements that can cure physical disorders. As per the name suggest, the Rose Quartz is a pink colour gemstone with some of its most effective positive influence on heart as well on body.


  • What are the healing effects of Rose Quartz gemstone?

Rose Quartz is getting used as a love token to women from the middle ages. This gemstone has some great effect on the health of women as it improves the condition of menstrual cycle and fertility in women. Rose Quartz also helps in improvement of blood circulation in the body of a human being and provides refreshment to them. It also has properties that mollify any kind of discomfort and pain. Rose Quartz is also very much helpful in treating health disorders related to heart, kidney, blood, adrenal gland and spleen through crystal treatment. It also cures asthma, flu, coughs, burns, vertigo, wrinkles, varicose etc. with its healing element.

Rose Quartz gemstone also has element in it that improves skin condition by detoxifying and purifying it. It is also believed that this wonderful gemstone improves the complexion of skin by removing any kind of scars and marks on skin.

Healing Gemstones For Fertility

Utilizing healing crystals and gemstones is a type of therapy, which is naturally relaxing and calming. The moment you don’t feel good physically or mentally, your body becomes nervous, prevents normal oxygenation, energy flow, and blood flow containing your uterus and ovaries. The healing crystals and healing gemstone’s placement on your body supports to release these blocks in your body and your delicate energy field that surrounds each organ, tissue, and cell.


Females who go through menstrual irregularities infertility, PMS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and miscarriages, frequently incline to shore bad emotions such as fear and anger in their pelvic part making energy blocks that over time might grow in physical concerns.

Placing curing gemstones and crystals on particular part of your body does the gemstone therapy. Every session must endure between fifteen to twenty minutes and can be completed comfortably at home or in case you can work with qualified therapies much better. In case at any point of time you feel uneasy, then first shop. In few cases you can just take some minutes at the time.